Diane von Furstenberg once said, “Style is something each of us already has, all we need to do is find it.” Nancy Tyagi, the emerging fashion icon who began her journey by redesigning celebrity costumes, has truly embraced this philosophy. Now serving as a judge for Meesho’s #trendz campaign, she has undeniably revolutionized the fashion scene.
Meesho, an e-commerce marketplace, launched the #trendz campaign to cater to Gen Z’s dynamic fashion preferences. The campaign featured a curated collection of the latest fashion trends at competitive prices. As part of this initiative, Meesho held the Meesho #trendz contest from February 1 to May 30, 2024. The contest aimed to empower fashion enthusiasts by providing a platform for both aspiring and established content creators to showcase their talent, regardless of their follower count.
The contest successfully highlighted the latest styles from Meesho’s #trendz collection while enabling budding creators to gain exposure. It garnered nearly 35,000 entries and reached an audience of over 455 million people. Renowned fashion influencer Nancy Tyagi judged the contest, emphasizing creativity, hard work, and style.
Winners received personal billboards in their hometowns, exclusive photoshoots, and the top five winners’ moodboards featured on Meesho. The grand prize winner was awarded 30 lakh rupees, with additional prizes totaling Rs 30 lakh distributed among the top 500 winners. This contest further solidified Meesho’s position as a trendy, accessible fashion destination.